In a recent case from Montgomery County, the Court of Special Appeals was presented with a husband’s appeal of an alimony award that granted his ex-wife an indefinite award of five-figure-per-month alimony, even though the wife had a steady six-figure income. The alimony award survived the appeal because, even though…
Maryland Divorce Lawyer Blog
Obtaining a Continuance in Your Maryland Child Custody Case
There are lots of things that could affect your child custody case. They could involve procedural issues, evidentiary issues, or complexities related to the law. Or they could involve finding yourself sick and unable to travel on the morning of your custody hearing. For one father who was in that position,…
How Procedural Filing Deadline Requirements Can Make All of the Difference in Your Maryland Divorce Case
As we have discussed in this blog before, succeeding in your family law case is about more than just the facts, the evidence, and the law. Having all of these things on your side won’t help you at all if you are not in compliance with rules of procedure. One…
Previous Litigation in Puerto Rico Stops Mom from Seeking Visitation Modification Order from Maryland Court
One of the many goals of family law cases is to create a degree of stability and finality in the decisions made by the courts. To this end, the law seeks to discourage parents or spouses from using different jurisdictions to re-litigate the same issues repeatedly. This was an issue…
Your Children’s Education and a ‘Material Change of Circumstances’ in a Maryland Custody Case
When it comes to the well-being of a child, most parents will do everything in their power to give their children the best of all available opportunities. This can be especially true when it comes to education. When where you live is the subject of a custody order or agreement,…
Maryland Mother’s Claims of Misrepresentation Not Enough to Lead Court to Order Paternity Testing
An old adage warns the reader to “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.” The adage is a reference to the notion that many outcomes, even ones we desire strongly, may come with unintended consequences. This arguably was the case for a Maryland mother who lost…
Dealing with Discovery Violations in Your Maryland Divorce Litigation
When you go to court in your divorce case, you may think that the key in your case is your factual proof, whether it is proof related to the value or nature of your spouse’s and your assets, the amount of income your spouse and you make (for the purposes of…
The Challenge of Overturning Child Custody Decisions on Appeal in Maryland
In a recent case involving two parents who disagreed regarding where their daughter should attend kindergarten, the outcome of the case is an important reminder of the importance of achieving success at the trial level, due to the deference given to trial courts in child custody cases. Despite finding that…
How Your Move Can Impact Your Child Custody and Visitation Arrangement in Maryland
There are many things that can impact your relationship with your child. Certainly, one major factor is geography. For many parents, the event that leads to litigation is one parent’s choice to relocate far away. In a recent case decided by the Court of Special Appeals, however, the event was…
Maryland Court Rejects Alimony Award When Wife Wasn’t Pursuing Additional Training or Education
The law in Maryland allows the courts to award spouses various types of alimony. One of these types is rehabilitative alimony. In Maryland, the basis for awarding rehabilitative alimony is a specific one. If, as occurred in one recent case decided by the Court of Special Appeals, the evidence brought…