When it comes to setting up a child custody schedule in Maryland as part of a divorce, small differences have the potential to have massive impacts. A difference of just a few overnights can greatly alter what will owe in child support. Potentially, one or two extra overnights may mean…
Maryland Divorce Lawyer Blog
What Can I Do if I Think my Maryland Marital Settlement Agreement is not Reasonable?
The days and weeks that immediately follow the breakup of your marriage can be an incredibly trying time. You may feel hurt, confused, angry, frightened, overwhelmed, betrayed and a host of other emotions. You’ve experienced a great trauma, and like anyone living through that kind of pain, you may not…
Securing Primary Physical Custody of Your Children in Maryland, Even if Your Ex-Spouse Was a Stay-at-Home Parent
When your marriage comes to an end, there are many things that must be resolved, one of which is custody of the children. In the past, you may have worked full-time outside the home to provide for the family financially while your spouse was a stay-at-home caregiver. Just because your…
How Knowing — or Not Knowing — the Rules of Trial Procedure Can Possibly Make or Break Your Maryland Family Law Case
Sometimes, family court cases may require a heavy focus on the facts in order to resolve. However, that is not always the case. Some family court cases can turn on a party’s knowledge – or lack thereof – of the rules of court procedure. To be sure you’re in the…
What Happens if My Spouse Refuses to Participate in Our Maryland Divorce Case?
When you are attempting to get divorced, some people think that it can be very simple as long as the two spouses have been separated for sufficient length of time and there is no dispute about property, spousal support or child issues. For these (mistaken) reasons, too many people try…
Invalidating a Settlement Agreement in Maryland When There’s a Massive Difference Between the Spouses in Education or Financial Sophistication
In many marital relationships, the spouses share much in common. They may share not only common interests, but also similar degrees of intellect and/or education. However, not all marriages work this way. Some may, in fact, have significant disparities of intellect, education or earning capacity. A large disparity can matter…
Why a TV Producer’s Ex-Wife Couldn’t Pursue Him for Fraud During Their Divorce
The creator of a series of cops-and-lawyers weekly TV dramas was in the news headlines recently, but the courtroom in question was not a fictional scene from one of his successful shows. Instead, a (very non-fictional) California appeals court issued a ruling related to the producer’s divorce case that closed…
How the Right Expert Evidence Can Help You to Secure a Successful Outcome in Your Maryland Alimony Dispute
If you know a little bit about Maryland family law, then you may know that, even if you are awarded permanent alimony in your divorce, that support may not always be permanent. The law allows your ex-spouse to get that obligation modified if he can show that he underwent a…
Appraisals, Commissions and More: Contesting the Terms of a Court-Ordered Sale of a Marital Home in a Maryland Divorce
One goal for divorce is to create closure and free up both spouses to move on with their separate lives. Sometimes, that means certain things financially like selling the marital home. If you think that the proposed sale is improper, whether because the sale price is too low, the broker…
The Importance of the ‘Best Interest of the Child’ in Maryland Child Custody Cases
A recent child custody case ruling made by the Court of Special Appeals offers parents in custody disputes several very important pieces of information. One, the ruling explains many of the legal standards that judges use to resolve custody disputes. Two, as the court stated, in “custody disputes, the ‘overarching…