You work hard to provide for your family. You also have a strong desire to be an active and involved parent in your child’s life. A recent case from Baltimore County looked at the conflict than can arise from these two things. Namely, the case looked at whether one parent…
Maryland Divorce Lawyer Blog
How the State of Maryland Distributes Your Alimony and Child Support if Your Wages Are Being Garnished
For many divorced parents who have children but whose children reside with their ex-spouse, paying both alimony and child support is part of life. If you’re one of those parents, you may struggle with meeting both of those financial obligations. If you have found that you no longer have the…
How the Right Argument or Evidence in Your Maryland Child Custody Case Can Still Be Wrong If It’s Presented at the Wrong Time
Having a knowledgeable family law attorney on your side in your child custody case can help you in a number of ways. That’s because there are a number of ways in which your case can go wrong if you lack the sort of effective legal counsel that your case needs.…
Don’t Put Your ‘Head in the Sand” — Tackle Your Maryland Child Support Case Head On
Did you know that the well-traveled idea that ostriches bury their heads in the ground to hide from danger is actually totally false? Rather than just hiding and doing nothing, ostriches are actually hard at work when they put their heads in the ground. What they’re really doing, as opposed…
Don’t Let Your Past Litigation Errors Cause You to Give Up on Your Maryland Child Custody Case
In life, everyone makes mistakes, sometimes. Some of those mistakes happen within the confines of your family law case and, if that happens, the consequences can be severe. Even if you have made significant mistakes in your case, it is still imperative that you don’t give up and that you…
Why It is So Important that You Get Every Term, and Every Modification, of Your Maryland Marital Settlement Agreement Put Down in Writing
In many different types of legal or business settings, one receives the advice to “get it in writing.” Why is that? It’s because a written document carries much more weight as evidence in court than oral testimony about the contents of an oral contract. Getting “it in writing” has the…
How a Maryland Wife Avoided Paying Any Alimony Even Though She Made More Than Three Times What He Did
When you’re going through a divorce, there are many things that may concern you, especially if you make a substantially larger income than your spouse. Obviously, one of those things is your spouse seeking alimony for a long duration, perhaps even indefinite alimony. However, there are some things you can…
How Your Child’s Other Parent May Be the One Who Owes Child Support in Maryland, Even if the Children Reside with Him/Her More than 50% of the Time
Everyone assumes they know certain things about family law cases. For example, when you share custody of your children with your ex-spouse, and your ex-spouse has the children the majority of the time, many people might assume that either you are paying child support to your ex-spouse or that neither…
A Self-Represented Father in a Maryland Custody Case Demonstrated Why Proceeding Without an Attorney is Generally the Wrong Choice
An old saying by English author Alexander Pope theorizes that “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” In few places is that more true than in the law. Too many times, non-lawyers sincerely believe that they can pursue their case successfully on their own. They think that, by spending a…
What It Takes to Overcome Your Ex-Spouse’s Claims Regarding Alimony and Dissipation of Assets in Your Maryland Divorce
Whether your spouse is making a claim for alimony, a claim that you dissipated assets, or both, it is important to know that there are certain expectations the law has of her, and certain things she must prove to the court, before she can be entitled to a ruling in…