
Maryland Divorce Lawyer Blog


My Spouse and I Entered into a Civil Union in Another State, But Never Married. Can We Get Divorced in Maryland?

Sometimes, people assume that all of the potential complications and challenges faced by long-term committed same-sex couples ended when the U.S. Supreme Court made its decision in Obergefell v. Hodges in June 2015 that established marriage equality in all 50 states. That, of course, is far from always being true.…


When You Can Get Your Maryland Divorce Case Reopened to Seek a Recalculation of Child Support

If you are familiar with child support, then you know how important proof of the parents’ actual incomes is. That’s because, in most situations, the court will base the amount of support on the parents’ actual current incomes unless there is substantial proof (and a finding from the judge) that…


My Spouse and I Signed a Separation Agreement in Maryland, Then Reconciled. Now We’re Getting Divorced. What Happens to Our Agreement?

There are countless ways that an experienced Maryland family law attorney can help you in your divorce case, whether your case is straightforward or complex. If your situation is “unconventional,” it may require an especially in-depth and nuanced understanding of the law in order to get you to a positive…


Proceed With Extreme Caution When Your Ex-Spouse Proposes an Agreement in Your Maryland Divorce Case, but Demands that You Not Consult Your Attorney

You’ve probably signed various contractual documents in your life, including employment agreements, leases and mortgages. When reviewing those contracts, you may have taken great care to check over every paragraph before you signed and you may have sought legal advice, as well. As you’re going through the divorce process, it…


I Made a Promise to My Spouse as Part of a Religious Marriage Ceremony. Can the Maryland Courts Order Performance of that Promise?

Even in this country where many prize the “separation of church and state,” there are times where religion and secular law unavoidably intermingle. Marriage is often one of those. You and your spouse’s process of becoming one married couple is a civil legal one but, for many, it’s a religious…


Dealing with the Challenges of Court-Ordered Child Visitation in Maryland During the Current Global Pandemic

COVID-19, or novel coronavirus, has disrupted many things about almost everyone’s lives. Instability and uncertainty are hard enough on adults, but they are even harder for children. If your children are the subjects of a visitation order by a judge, the current state of things may make maintaining the regular…


What a Celebrity Child Custody Dispute Can Teach LGBT+ Parents, Stepparents and Others About Custody Law in Maryland

The breakdown of a relationship between two parents is often very difficult on everyone. That’s true whether you’re a famous celebrity or an “ordinary” person. It’s also true whether or not you are biologically related to your child. However, if you are in a situation (like many LGBT+ couples) where…


What a Maryland Judge in Your Family Law Case Can (and Can’t) Do to You if You Fail to Comply With a Court Order

Family law matters can be incredibly stressful and contentious. Sometimes, these emotions may lead spouses or parents to make decisions that are less than ideal. Obviously, the best plan in your family law case is to follow all of the orders handed down by a judge. Even if you fall…


Maryland Court of Special Appeals Says that ‘De Facto’ Parents Are Eligible for Same Awards of Attorney’s Fees as Biological Parents

Going through a custody dispute can be a scary thing. You may recognize that you need capable legal representation, but you may fear that you lack the financial resources to hire a skilled Maryland child custody attorney. Never let that fear stop you. Always talk to counsel first. There may…

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